Saturday, May 16, 2009

Kids Day Out Spring Program 2009

Kids Day Out is over for the year. Man, I LOVE being a part of this program. Not only does it bring in a little bit of extra money for us each month, but by working there my kids can go for free. They have learned so much and have made great friends. The same can be said for me. It has been a blessing to meet such great women, work alongside of them, and also be able to peek in at my kiddos throughout the day and see how they are doing. It truly is a joy for me.

On Monday, May 11th, we had our Spring Program. This is one of two programs we do each year and as the music teacher, this is sort of my baby. I get so excited to teach them the songs, watch them dance, put together the stage, and then watch the parents beam with pride as their babies show off on stage. I also get terribly nervous, though. On the day of each program I feel so sick to my stomach. The butterflies swirling around in my tummy taunt me saying, "you know this needs to be perfect," "these parents want their babies to do better make that happen." In my head I know that it will go wonderfully...but I can't seem to convince my stomach to agree.

My head was right this time. It went wonderfully. We sang such fun songs and all the kids sang, danced, and smiled. All the parents videoed, snapped pictures, and beamed with pride. It was just the way I prayed it would be.

My own kid were no exception. They did wonderfully....although they were bribed with ice cream...but that is besides the point. The pictures turned out great (thanks honey!) and I know you will love them.

If you know anything about my Kaleb, you probably know that he is a performer at heart. He has an uncanny sense to know when people are watching him and he escalates in his movements as the reaction to him increases. Tonight was no exception. He was hilarious! Making faces, dancing, singing, and just plain being his cute little self.

"I don't know where you lay your head or where you talk on the phone" -Big House
"There's a big, big yard....where we can play football!" -Big House

Kaleb and his buddy Caden were standing right by the monitor (of course!) and they were fascinated by the fact that they could here music and their very own voices coming out of it.

Nathan did such a great job (as always). He was so sweet. He sang louder than everyone in his whole class.

"five, ten, fifteen, twenty..." -Forty Days
"Let's go swimming"
"I'm gonna sing, sing, sing, sing...I'm gonna SHOUT, SHOUT, SHOUT!"
It's Aubri Jane's turn and man was she excited!!!

How sweet is that face???
Although the babies didn't do much I will say that Aubri preformed the most out of her group. Do we have another little Kaleb on our hands.....we'll have to wait and see!
"Put your fingers on your cheeks and then leave them there for weeks...."

Towards the end, Aubri did what she loves to do most.....take off her shoes. Although this time she had on her sandals so she couldn't undo the ankle strap. She did manage, however, to slip her toes out of the top part. What a silly little lady!

1 comment:

jhollis said...

Sarah, we always enjoy your blog. Thank you for sharing your heart and your work!

Good job on the pictures, Rayden!

We wish we could have been there to see you all shine! We know from personal experience the ending programs are exhausting and emotionally charged--for you know you will miss those special friends who taught with you as well as the children.

Sarah, you are a leader and we know that you have been a source of blessing to parents, children, and co-workers. Your work honors the Lord.

Kaleb, Nathan, and Aubri, you all did GREAT! We miss you guys and look forward to being with you soon.

Love, Grammy and Grandad H