Monday, May 3, 2010

in my mailbox....

I love the feeling of a full mailbox. Wait....let me rephrase that. I love when my mailbox is full of things other than bills. I love getting magazines that I can peruse through at leisure. I love getting letters and cards from friends. And I love getting FREE stuff. I sign up for just about every free sample there is. informs you of all kinds of samples you can get. I can not tell you how profitable this has been for me. I often even sign up for things I don't use....I may decide to try a new product or I may decide to gift it to a friend or donate it to charity.

Today was an especially great mail day. A while ago I signed up for a box of free samples from the post office. It was a new promotion they were offering. In the box was:

-a Dove candy bar
-3 packets of splenda and a coupon for splenda
- a trial size secret clinical strength
- trial size Aveeno hand cream
- a trial size Aveeno firming night cream
-trial size Aveeno shampoo and conditioner
-coupons for Aveeno worth $3
-full size Grill Mates steak seasoning
-one bengay heat wrap
-2 tasters choice flavored instant coffees
-2 shower to shower body wash samples

Can you believe it? I was so excited!

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