When Rayden showed me these pictures I immediately went to google and tried to identify this monster. I typed in "black and yellow spider" and instantly I found out more than enough data on the suspect (how many incriminating names do you think I can come up with for this creature???). I learned that it has 8 eyes, the females can grow to be as long as 28mm in length, their webs have this distinct zigzag pattern in them, and (most importantly) I learned that they are harmless to humans. Halle--stinkin---luyah!
Although I must be honest....if another one of these perpetrators shows its ugly, eight-eyed face in MY yard....it.will.not.be.pretty. And then, I will go change my underwear.
bwahahahahahahahaha.... hahahaha....
Better you than me. My dad shoots spiders... maybe you should get a gun? :)
Grammy agrees with killing all the spiders in the world. Not one is worth a broken leg. Loved your post!
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