Thursday, June 18, 2009

Service with a smile

These last months have been a roller coaster. Dealing with my mom's mental illness has been very difficult. I don't know how hard to push her and how much to help her with. I want her to be as independent as possible, but it's hard to know where to draw the line.

She has recently become very demanding of me. She expects me to drop everything and help her whenever she calls. She gets upset when I am unable or unwilling to do this.

Today was one of those days when she became frustrated with me. She needed toilet paper. And instead of driving to walmart to get some (.2 miles from her apartment) she called me and told me I needed to bring her some. Actually, to be more accurate....she called me 6 times to tell me that she needed some.

Finally, I told her to come over to our house and get some. She came and we all had lunch together. She then helped me with my bathroom renovation project for about a half hour. After that she grabbed her toilet paper and a glass of strawberry lemonade and left.

I was frustrated with her. I was beginning to feel mistreated and taken advantage of. That is, until my husband inspired me. He reminded me that I am never more like Christ than when I serve those who don't appreciate it.

Isn't that the truth? That's exactly what He did. He laid his life down knowing that there would be countless number of people who would never accept or appreciate His sacrifice. Praise the Lord that He served anyway. I am grateful for His sacrifice. I will strive to follow in His footsteps.

My mom may not appreciate the lengths to which I am traveling for her. And the reality is, she may never understand or value the sacrifices we are making. I am learning to be okay with that. I am learning to offer my heart, my time, my money, and my love without any expectation of gratitude.

It is my prayer that all of my circumstances serve to make me more like Christ. May it be so, Lord.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

I'm sorry to hear about your mom. Your post was convicting to me today about a couple of things in my life so thanks for sharing. Your kids are adorable! Hello to the Hollis family from the Burns family, formally of Arnold, MO and Little Rock, AR now of Cedar Rapids, IA. Kevin is still that Dr. Pepper drinking Sooner!
Valerie Burns