If you patrolled facebook during the monster snow storm you would find tons and tons of moms sharing their stir crazy stories of rambunctious kids who need to burn off steam. Some were even begging for the schools to reopen. That was NOT the tune we sang in this home. While we were, at times, stir crazy and full of energy that was difficult to expel, we had the best little mini vacation. Of course I am sure it helped that Rayden got to stay home with us. But, I think I caught a glimpse of what homeschooling can be....and it delighted me. We did so much together.
We built castles out of tinker toys and protected them with lego men...
We learned how to measure things using the measuring tapes they give out at Ikea (I may or may not have taken about 50 of those the last time I was in Dallas to use for such a time as this)...
We watched our St. Bernard....oops...I mean our little cockapoo play in the snow. She was in heaven out there...
We (unsolicited) built a replica of Moses and the Burning Bush out of Legos. Warms a mother's heart...
We painted sun catchers (how blessed we were that I had just gone to Michaels the day before the snow hit to buy a few Valentine's treats...we made good use out of those for sure)...
We colored...and colored....and colored...
We learned how to do two digit math....very quickly I might add....I have some very bright boys (if I do say so myself....which I do...in case you were wondering...and I know you were!)...
We colored and constructed 3D models...
We played games.....war, battleship, Guess Who. You name it, we played it...
What's this you ask? Why, that is an empty hamper. In fact, my house had 3 empty hampers all week long. Holla! Can I get an amen?! Now, don't ask to look in my hamper today....that's a different story altogether...
We actually worked together without fighting several times. If that isn't a miracle of God, I just don't know what is!
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