Saturday, April 4, 2009

A sweet goodnight prayer

My little Nathan just astounds me. He seems to be so tuned in to spiritual matters. And he loves to pray. At every meal he asks if he can be the one to pray first. And then at night, he goes on and on about all kinds of things. Normally it goes something like this:

"Dear God...than you for makingeverything i this whole wide world. And thank you forthe yummy supper we had tonight. Please help us make good choices and let everyone in this whole wide world have a good nights sleep. Amen."

But tonight....tonight was different. Tonight, heaven heard these sweet words:

"Dear God...thank you for making everything in the whole wide world. And Lord, we love you. And Lord, you know us. You can teach us about a miracle if you want to. But, if you don't want to you can just keep it to yourself. I always love you Lord. Help us make gooder choices. Help everyone in your whole wide world get good rest. and if anyone in your whole wide world is already asleep, let them still rest good. Amen"

What sweet words from a sweet soul.

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