Saturday, October 30, 2010

my "job"

Being a stay at home mom is simply fabulous! I am so blessed that we are able to sustain our family on just Rayden's income. All the sacrifices we have made financially are SO very worth it. Last week was proof to me that I have the best job in the world.....simply being "mom." And not just "mom" but I have upped the anty and changed my status to "very involved mom of elementary school kids." I chaperoned my very first field trip last week. Nathan and I went with the entire kindergarten to the Fieth Family Pumpkin patch. There was LOTS to do...

we went to a corn maze.....actually we got lost in a corn maze....then stumbled upon the exit
we had a picnic lunch
we played in a box of corn kernels
we took pictures
we took a barrel train ride
we swung on a giant tree swing
we took even more pictures
we picked pumpkins
We had an absolute blast!

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