Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Aiming to win

They say that if you shoot at nothing you will hit it every time. I fear that my life is all too summed up by that quote. I have not been that great at setting goals, so I have not been real pleased with how things are going in certain areas of my life. So, I am setting some February goals for me and my family (although mostly just me!).

February goals:
1. Lose 4 pounds (that's a pound a week)- I have been a member of Weight watchers for about 20 weeks and although I started off great I am sad to say that I have gained almost half of it back. BOO! Anyway, I am recommitting to tracking my daily points and would love to hit this benchmark. If I lose this amount of weight then I will hit my 16 pound total (which is 10% of my starting weight.)

2. Make and menu...AND STICK TO IT! Making the menu is not the hard part for me....my problem is in the follow through portion of this deal. So, I want to make realistic menus and stick to them. I am hoping that my first baking day will help out with them and I intend to do another baking day as well (see goal number 3).

3. Host Baking Day #2. I have really enjoyed the fruit of the labor that was baking day #1. It's been great to have premade muffins to thaw out for breakfast on the go. It's awesome to just thaw and heat things....sure beats slaving away in the kitchen every single day. This time I would like to do some snack options, lunchbox options, and maybe even try some weight watchers meals in order to piggyback off of goal number 1.

4. Read an ENTIRE book. Once again....I am a great book starter. Not so great with the finishing, however. But, the other day I was at Lifeway (side note....I absolutely love that store!) and I saw a book that was simply begging to come home with me. It's by John Ortberg and it's called, "The Me I Want To Be." Intriguing, right? Just listen to this...."What I really want is to be fully alive inside." And this, "The most important task of your life is not what you do, but who you become." Or maybe this will speak to you, "no human being in your life gets the final word on who God made you to be." Sounds awesome, doesn't it. I read the first 2 chapters (34 pages) last night. Only 224 more to go. Totally doable.

5. Work with Nathan at least 2 times a week on reading. My little Nathan is a smarty pants. He has an amazing vocabulary and a real thirst to learn. The kid asks about a billion (or at least that's what it feels like most days) questions a day! I know he'll do great in Kindergarten next year, but I also think he's ready for more already. I want to spend some time intentionally helping him learn.

I'm sure there are more. But, I want to commit to these 5 things. I don't want to be overly ambitious and then get disappointed when it's too difficult to follow through. It'll be nice to aim at something instead of nothing for a change. HA! What are you aiming at this month?

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