Friday, June 6, 2008

It's been a big week!

What a week our little girl has had! It started with a visit to the doctor for her 9 month well-baby visit. Everything seemed to be on track. She weighs 20 pounds which puts her in the 75th percentile. Her length is in the 25th percentile. She is exactly where Kaleb was when he was her age. She looks just like his baby pictures...except she's in dresses and has an oh-so-cute girliness! She did have an ear infection, though, that I knew nothing about. How about nothing. How am I supposed to know if this little angel of mine needs a doctor. She's tough. The doctor asked if she had any teeth and I said no. The doctor then asked if she was crawling and I said no. But then I told her that I figured both these things would happened within the next few days. I figure that my kids hold out on these significant milestones until I "freak out" at the doctor. Then the next day they seem to perform these tasks as though they could do them all along...they just want to make me look like a fool at the doctor's office. Well, this situation was no different. Here we are just 6 days after the doctor's visit and Aubri has her two front bottom teeth and she can now crawl. As if that weren't enough she also decided to pull herself up all the way to standing. This is all happening to fast. Rayden had to move the crib down to its lowest level so she wouldn't topple out of it. Yes...there were tears involved...and they were all mine. This little lady has had quite a week. I am anxious to see what next week holds!

1 comment:

Brad Dearborn said...

Wow! Guys, what a wonderful week - Aubri has clearly enjoyed being the star of a wonderful show. Her crawling is awfully cute with its little bounce action and I'm glad to hear that her teeth came in with no reported discomfort. She is a beauty! And she has a wonderful family.