Saturday, October 17, 2009

it had to happen sometime....

I gained weight at my Weight Watchers meeting for the first time this week. Even though I was only up .2 pounds, I was bummed. In my 10 weeks prior I had lost every single week. I am up to a total of 12.4 pounds. It doesn't seem like much when I say it like that, but what I am most thrilled with is how my clothes fit. I have had to buy new pants because I have gone from a size 12-14 to a size 8-10! I was even able to buy a size 8 dress for Rayden's cousin's wedding last weekend! The last size 8 I remember buying was my wedding dress!

I am not sure what this week's weigh-in will hold. It's been a rough week. I moved my mom into her assisted living facility on Tuesday...and as it turns out I am an emotional eater. So....I ate....and ate....and ate some more this week. Hopefully the scale won't be too terribly cruel.

Not only have I learned that I am an emotional eater, but this process has taught me so much more about myself. I have learned that I tend to eat when I am bored. Now....if only I would put down the food and pick up a duster....or a vacuum....or some Windex....then I would be skinny AND a good housekeeper! Second, I enjoy instant gratification. Slow and steady is not my cup of tea....just call me a big ole fat hare. The turtle is not my friend. But, you can't rush weight loss....well I guess you can, but let's be real....I fear vomiting almost more than death itself, so bulimia will never be part of my weight loss journey.

Anyway, I digress. It's been a wild ride. I need to get back on track because the end result excites me. If I have gone down 2 sizes in just 12 pounds, what will happen with the next 15? I can't wait to find out!

1 comment:

Nate and Theresa said...

I love your honestly and insightfulness! I too need to pick up that mop or broom instead of a cookie :) Keep up the hard work - you are doing great!!