Tuesday, September 2, 2008

"we're a team"

Tonight was our very first soccer practice. We are playing for the Arlington Recreation League with our good friends, the Lees. Danielle is a great friend of mine and her little girl, Gracie, is right between the boys ages. They have about 8 kids on their team and we practice every Tuesday night for 35 minutes and will have 8 games on Saturday mornings starting on the 20th. For our first attempt at organized sports we did pretty well. They were super pumped at first...Gracie, Nathan, and Kaleb all put their hands together and jumped up and down chanting, "we're a team, we're a team". Then when things got rolling and you had to stay in line and take turns, Kaleb got very distracted. He began rolling around in the grass and spinning in circles. He took a turn every once in a while, but for the most part he played his own version of soccer. Nathan waited in line very patiently...but when it was time for a scrimage he quickly pooped out and ran off the field yelling, "I need a drink of water....these guys are too fast." I think it will be a great learning expereince for all of us. And Rayden and I are excited to be doing something outside of church. Being a minister really sucks you in and it's hard to be involved with anything else. We are anxious to meet some new people. You can enjoy these pictures and look forward to more and more updates as the season progresses.

Coach Angela taught them 3 soccer rules tonight. #1 no hands #2 don't steal the ball from your teammate #3 keep the ball close to you

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